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Türkiye İş Makinaları Distribütörleri ve İmalatçıları Birliği

İMDER was established in 2002. In the construction equipment sector, which addresses all areas of Turkey's infrastructure/superstructure, public works and investments, there are approximately 650 companies in total, including 200 manufacturing companies, 220 sub-industry companies and approximately 200 trading companies. Approximately 150 thousand employees, nearly 100,000 operators and users provide direct and indirect employment to 600,000 people.

In 2022, exports were made to more than 133 countries at the level of 2 billion USD, while it is aimed to reach 10 billion USD in line with the 2023 targets. Companies manufacturing in the construction and construction machinery sector export approximately 45% of their production with 55% domestic input. The construction machinery sector has an important place in the world economy with a trade volume of 200 billion USD. Until 2030, 1.3 Trillion USD investment is planned in our country and it is estimated that the Construction and Construction Machinery Sector will reach 30.000 sales and 30 Billion USD trade in 2030s. In 2007, İMDER, which is one of the 485 associations that deserve to use the name of TURKEY with the approval of all relevant ministries and the approval of the Ministry of Interior in accordance with the law numbered 5253, continues to grow with new members every year. İMDER represents the construction equipment sector effectively and strongly in national and international platforms and organisations.

Türkiye İş Makinaları Distribütörleri ve İmalatçıları Birliği
Nadir Akgün
Chairman of the Board of Directors